American On-line-esque internet speeds have catered to a later than expected blog post. At the moment it's 1:00 Deutschland time. It's been a busy and eventful 72 hours. We arrived in New York on Friday morning a 7am to the sounds of squealing metro trains and pissed off morning commuters. The producer's friend Andy, our tour guide for the day, met up with us and quickly led the way to a local joint for coffee and organic breakfast. I downed some grits and huevos rancheros along with a bucket of coffee, and then it was off to Chelsea. Two of the crew members were newbies in the Northeast, which meant we spent our 11 hour layover traversing the Manhattan area. A good friend and travel companion of mine, ended up taking the afternoon off from work and tagging along with our rag tag clue as well. The next 12 hours were a blur. Metro to Air Train, followed by the most ass backward trek to an air terminal. A volcano scare paired with a lack of sleep catered to a few short naps in between 3 horrible in flight movies. Bride Wars being my personal favorite.
Landing in Germany was the most refreshing breath of fresh air experienced in a long while. Something about being out of the country is soothing. Especially when it revolves around work. We were picked up by our producer and quickly driven through downtown Berlin. Our hostle is amazing. Lots of Australians and other tourists. The locals have been coming in for happy hour from 8-9 every night. We have had a dozen or so production team meetings in the last 48 hours, all resulting in smiles and an ever growing sense of excitement for things to come. Our cast members still wont be here for a week, but the main event we are looking forward to is the painting of the cars. We have some local graffiti artists coming to decorate our tiny little vehicles and convert them to moving pieces of art. I feel myself drifting and this point, and have spent zero time editing this post. All wit and verbosity (real word?) are out the window right now. Bye for now all. I promise the next post will contain a little part of my soul. I hit my quota for the day before typing this. Deal with it.
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